Jacob’s Ladder: ‘Dune’ is better than any of the ‘Star Wars’ movies By Jacob Wissinger of The Summit Staff

More than any movie this year, “Dune” gave me hope that big movies with big ideas on big screens have a future. Legendary director Martin Scorcese calls the modern Hollywood blockbuster an amusement park, to which the rankings of sci-fi and comic book films are amongst the highest-grossing bolster.  Rightfully, one could look at “Dune”

Jacob’s Ladder: In A Bleak Midwinter, Feeling the Effects of a Third Condensed Semester By Jacob Wissinger of The Summit Staff

To preface this column, I am not the pinnacle of academia. If anything, I would be found in the median of the pool of college students. I’m not seeking to victimize myself as I detail my grievances, simply allowing for a space in which I can vent the burden and fatigue felt by myself and